When Michael Fitzgerald, a teacher at Wilson School District, lost his 20-year-old daughter to a brain tumor in July 2005, his life didn’t stop. In fact, with the help of his wife and daughters, the family hosted a Halloween-themed 5K in Lauren Fitzgerald’s memory.

Now in its 11th year, Fitzgerald said the fervor surrounding Fitzy’s 5K caused the Fitzgerald family to create its own nonprofit. Called Lauren’s Foundation, Fitzgerald said, the organization raises money that is divided into funds that support scholarships for Berks County students, donates a portion of proceeds to the American Brain Tumor Society and helps support one local family who has a child battling a life-threatening illness.

“The foundation was created out of the sense, or the need, to give back,” Fitzgerald said.

This year’s Fitzy’s run takes place Sunday at Stone House Park in Wyomissing. Though the run has a Halloween theme and a costume contest, Fitzgerald said costumes are not mandatory.

Same-day registration starts at 8:30 a.m. and costs $35, with the race starting at 10:15 a.m.

There is also a Kids 0.30-mile run, that costs $10, that starts at 11:15 a.m.

Afterward, there is a cookout and buffet for race attendees.

Original Article on Reading Eagle

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